FAQs for Implementing Regulations

The content of this page shall not prejudice the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, their Implementing Regulations or other relevant laws. The content of this page shall not be considered an alternative to the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, or their Implementing Regulations. In the event of any conflict between the content of this page and the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, or their Implementing Regulations, those Laws and Regulations shall prevail. And as the Implementing Regulations issued by the CMA are subject to constant update, reliance shall be always on the Regulations published on CMA's website.


    Is the QFI required to obtain authorisation by the CMA to practice dealing activity, when dealing as principal in the listed securities ?
    What are the securities that the Rules permit foreign investors to invest in?
    What are the trading hours of the Saudi Stock Exchange?
    Is it allowed for all categories of foreign investors to invest directly in the shares of the foreign issuer whose shares are listed on the Main Market?
    Are the investment limits set out in the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities applied on the investments of foreign investors (in all categories, whether resident or non-resident) in the shares of the foreign issuer whose shares are listed on the
    Can the foreign investor own (10%) or more of the shares of any issuer whose shares are listed or convertible debt instrument of the issuer through his QFI account and his ultimate beneficiary swap account within the first twelve months after the opening
    Can QFIs vote in general assembly meetings?
    Are QFIs able to vote by proxy in relation to the shares they own?
    What are the responsibilities of Capital Market Institutions and foreign investors with regard to the ownership limits in listed companies stipulated in the Rules?
    Can a legal person that is newly established submit an application to open an investment account as a QFI?
    Are QFIs subject to the Saudi Income Tax Law?
    Do assets under management include the assets of the funds managed by the QFI even if such funds do not satisfy the conditions required to be qualified as QFI?
    Are foreign investors able to vote electronically in respect of the shares owned by them?
    Can a legal person that the capital of which is majority owned by citizens or governments of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and who does not have the nationality of one of the GCC countries , submit an application to open an
    What is meant by the assets under its own or its group ownership, management or custody by the QFI at the time of submitting an application to open an investment account?
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