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Real Estate Investment Funds Regulations2123617/07/42 08:20:04 ص17/07/42 08:20:04 صEnglish Translation of the Official Arabic Text Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to its Resolution Number 1-193-2006 Based on the Capital Market Law STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{16A54C29-E322-4527-AC6A-A7626B60BAE6}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
RULES ON THE OFFER OF SECURITIES AND CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS2123906/07/45 09:58:30 ص06/07/45 09:58:30 صCapital Market Authority RULES ON THE OFFER OF SECURITIES AND CONTINUING OBLIGATIONS Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to its Resolution Number STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{6C0B164D-641B-4080-85E0-AA34A3CD3E8C}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities2124014/09/44 05:37:08 م14/09/44 05:37:08 مCapital Market Authority Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities English Translation of the Official Arabic Text Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{322B5D57-02A6-407C-9261-06EBA3E8C525}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Rules for Registering Auditors of Entities Subject to the Authority's Supervision2124110/11/43 09:28:01 ص10/11/43 09:28:01 صEnglish Translation of the Official Arabic Text Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to its Resolution Number (1-135-2018 Dated 12/4/1440H Corresponding to 19 STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{47A6CF83-20E8-4A2C-85EA-9F7717D6D7F8}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
The Rules for Special Purposes Entities2124411/06/42 08:22:47 ص11/06/42 08:22:47 صEnglish Translation of the Official Arabic Text Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to its Resolution Number 4-123-2017 Based on the Capital Market Law STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{3F97C7FF-71D6-4680-92CD-58AEA492B4C1}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Corporate Governance Regulations 2130009/07/44 09:26:06 ص09/07/44 09:26:06 صCapital Market Authority Corporate Governance Regulations English Translation of the Official Arabic Text Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{359907A4-531A-4121-BC24-9ACE2A40DCFE}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Financial Technology Experimental Permit Instructions2130208/02/43 06:04:34 م08/02/43 06:04:34 مIssued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to its Resolution Number 1-4-2018 Dated 23/4/1439H Corresponding to 10/1/2018G Based on the Capital Market Law Issued STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{62D2A3A5-8190-4B3D-AF29-77E62EE0D6B5}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority2130306/07/45 09:51:57 ص06/07/45 09:51:57 صEnglish Translation of the Official Arabic Text Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to its Resolution Number 4-11-2004 Based on the Capital Market Law STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{1CE6CD09-513B-4209-83BD-93B01BC3A758}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Investment Funds Regulations2130424/07/42 12:17:54 م24/07/42 12:17:54 مEnglish Translation of the Official Arabic Text Issued by the Board of the Capital Market Authority Pursuant to its Resolution Number 1 - 219 - 2006 Dated 3/12/1427H Corresponding to STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{55A8C86D-9DC5-40C6-AA01-6F36FBDFABD5}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515
Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies2130514/09/44 05:55:42 م14/09/44 05:55:42 مKINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA Capital Market Authority Implementing Regulation of the Companies Law for Listed Joint Stock Companies English Translation of the Official Arabic Text STS_ListItem_DocumentLibrary{9486FCA3-80A0-4702-95FF-05AFA9750729}~sitecollection/_catalogs/masterpage/Display Templates/Search/Item_PDF.js1515