FAQs for Implementing Regulations

The content of this page shall not prejudice the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, their Implementing Regulations or other relevant laws. The content of this page shall not be considered an alternative to the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, or their Implementing Regulations. In the event of any conflict between the content of this page and the provisions of the Capital Market Law, the Companies Law, or their Implementing Regulations, those Laws and Regulations shall prevail. And as the Implementing Regulations issued by the CMA are subject to constant update, reliance shall be always on the Regulations published on CMA's website.


    How are investment fund assets will be calculated in the event of not fulfilling the minimum assets under management requirement and has appointed more than one foreign portfolio manager?
    Is the foreign advisor required to obtain authorisation by the CMA to practice advising activity when providing advice to a QFI?
    How can non-resident foreign investors that do not qualify as QFIs be able to gain exposure to the Saudi listed securities?
    What is the difference between investing as QFI and investing through the Swap Agreements?
    What are the QFI qualification conditions set out in the Rules?
    What is the settlement cycle for securities listed in the Saudi Stock Exchange?
    What protection is available to minority shareholders in relation to Merger and Acquisition transactions?
    What protection is available to minority shareholders in relation to Merger and Acquisition transactions?
    Is there a minimum or maximum limit for the targeted ownership percentage of the Strategic Shareholdings?
    Can a foreigner be a foreign strategic investor and a qualified foreign investor owning shares in the same company, or vice versa, at the same time?
    Do the provisions of the Foreign Strategic Investors set out in the Rules for Foreign Investment in Securities apply on foreign legal persons who directly owned shares in companies listed on the Exchange before the provisions of these Instructions came in
    Is existing Swap Agreement's ultimate beneficiary allowed to invest as a QFI?
    Can the foreign investor transfer owned securities from the ultimate beneficiary swap account to the QFI account within the twelve months period?
    What is the definition of a Qualified Foreign Investor (QFI)?
    Is the fulfillment of the criterion in sub-paragraph (a) of paragraph (8) of the definition of the term "Qualified Investor" in the Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority considered a continuing obligat
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