CMA is responsible of issuing the instructions, rules and regulations as well as applying the provisions of the Capital Market Law. In order to do that, CMA does the following:
- Regulate and develop the capital market and promote appropriate standards and techniques for all sections and entities involved in Securities Trade Operations in addition to develop procedures to reduce the risks associated with securities exchange.
- Regulate and monitor issuing the securities.
- Regulate and monitor the activities of entities working under CMA.
- Protect investors and the public from unfair and unsound practices involving fraud, deceit, cheating, manipulation, and inside information trading.
- Maintain fairness, efficiency, and transparency in transactions of securities.
- Regulate and monitor full disclosure of information related to securities and issuers in addition to insider trading, big shareholders and investors, identify and provide information that should be disclosed by the participants in the market to shareholders and the public.
- Organize the requests for representation, buying and public offering of shares.