Announcement related to the CMA approval of Al-Babtain Power and Telecommunication Company’s capital increase

The CMA board has issued its resolution number (1 - 11 - 2011) dated (29/04/1432 H) corresponding to (03/04/2011) approving Al-Babtain Power and Telecommunication Company’s capital increase request from SR 405,000,000 to SR 426,313,120 for the purpose of acquiring the remaining stake in Al-Babtain LeBLANC Telecommunication Co. Ltd.

Approval was granted upon Al-Babtain Power and Telecommunication Company’s compliance with the relevant disclosure requirements as per the Listing Rules.

Prior to the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting that will be held to vote on the capital increase, Al-Babtain Power and Telecommunication Company will issue a disclosure document to its shareholders related to the objectives and rationale of the capital increase. This will provide shareholders with sufficient time to make a well informed decision when voting.