An announcement of the issuance of the Board of the CMA Resolution Number 3-58-2014 and dated 17/1/1436H to adopt the Credit Rating Agencies Regulations and to amend the Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Aut

As part of the CMA’s efforts to develop the capital market in the Kingdom, and to regulate and monitor the work and activities of parties subject to its control and supervision by issuing the implementing regulations and rules governing the capital market in the Kingdom, and based on the Capital Market Law issued by Royal Decree Number (M/30) Dated 2/6/1424H, the CMA Board of Commissioners has issued its resolution Number 3-58-2014 Dated 17/1/1436H corresponding to 10/11/2014G to adopt the Credit Rating Agencies Regulations (the " CRAs Regulations") and to amend the Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority.  The Regulations shall be effective and in full force as from 17/11/1436H corresponding to 1/9/2015G.
The CRAs Regulations regulates the conduct of credit rating activities in the Kingdom and the monitoring thereof, and specifies the procedures and conditions for obtaining an authorisation. International best practices and standards were considered while preparing the CRAs Regulations aiming at achieving the desired objectives. Public consultation of professionals and those interested was taken into account when preparing these Regulations.
The CRAs Regulations and the amended Glossary of Defined Terms Used in the Regulations and Rules of the Capital Market Authority can be viewed on CMA’s website on the following link: