Imposition of a Penalty on Salama Cooperative Insurance Co

The Capital Market Authority announces the issuance of a CMA Board resolution to impose a penalty of SR 50,000 ( Fifty Thousand Saudi Riyals) on Salama Cooperative Insurance Co. due to its violation of clause (A) of Article (40) of the Listing Rules and sub-clause (5) of clause (A) of the General Instructions that must be taken into Account by Companies when Publishing its Announcements from the Instructions for the Announcements of Listed Companies in the Saudi Stock Exchange. The company disclosed incorrect information in its announcement on 15/01/2014 about reinforcing its technical reserve for 2013 fiscal year. It mentioned that the company’s technical reserve was estimated at (42.9) million Saudi Riyals and that its negative effect would be clear in the fourth quarter results for 2013. The truth is that the negative effect of the technical reserve for the year 2013 as a whole, which was estimated at (42.9) million Saudi Riyals, would be partially shown in the fourth quarter results for 2013 in an estimation of (19.8) million Saudi Riyals only.