The Capital Market Authority announces the Initial Public Offering of three insurance companies

The CMA to announce three insurance companies Initial Public Offering as follow: 1- Buruj for Cooperative Insurance with a capital of SR 130 million, 5.2 million shares will be offered to the public which represent (40%) of the company shares.2- Alalamiya Cooperative Insurance company with a capital of SR 200 million, 6 million shares will be offered to the public which represent (30%) of the company shares.3- Gulf General Cooperative Insurance Company with a capital of SR 200 million, 8 million shares will be offered to the public which represent (40%) of the company In accordance with Ministerial Resolution No.(313) dated (27/10/1429)H, No. (365) dated 3/12/1429)H, and No. (5) dated (8/1/1430)H. The offers prices will be SR (10) per share and the offering period will be from (14/10/1430)H to (20/10/1430)H, which corresponds to the period from (3/10/2009)G to (9/10/2009)G.


The companies’ prospectuses will be posted to the public prior to the subscription period by a sufficient time. The prospectuses includes all relevant information that the investors need to know before making an investment decision, including the companies’ financial statements, activities and management.