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Capital Market Authority
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CMA Announces the Approval of Public Offering of "Al Rajhi Global Sukuk Fund”...
The CMA has issued its resolution approving the public offer, by "Al Rajhi Capital", of "Al Rajhi Global Sukuk Fund".An Investment decision without reading the Terms and Conditions carefully or fully reviewing its content may involve high risk.
Change the name of Moody's Investors Services Middle East Limited...
Based upon the Capital Market Law issued by Royal Decree No. (M/30) dated 02/06/1424H and its Implementing Regulations, the Capital Market Authority (CMA) announces that Moody's Investors Services Middle East Limited notified the CMA of its name change
CMA Announces the Approval of Public Offering of "Al Rajhi Global Real Estate Sector Fund”...
The CMA has issued its resolution approving the public offer, by "Al Rajhi Capital", of "Al Rajhi Global Real Estate Sector Fund".An Investment decision without reading the Terms and Conditions carefully or fully reviewing its content may involve high
Capital Market Authority: Ertiyad Holding Group Convicted of Violating the Capital Market Law and Its Implementing Regulations, Fined SAR 6.12 Million ...
The Capital Market Authority announces the issuance of a final decision by the Appeal Committee for the Resolution of Securities Disputes' (ACRSD) convicting Ertiyad Holding Group of violating Article (31) of the Capital Market Law and Article (5) of
The Capital Market Authority Calls for Public Consultation on the Proposed Amendments to Brokerage Licensing Requirements under the Capital Market Law ...
The Capital Market Authority (CMA) called upon relevant and interested persons participating in the capital market to share their feedback on the proposed amendments to the licensing requirements for brokerage companies outlined in the Capital Market
CMA Announces the Approval of Public Offering of "Dinar Saudi Equity Fund”...
The CMA has issued its resolution approving the public offer, by "Dinar Investment Company", of "Dinar Saudi Equity Fund".An Investment decision without reading the Terms and Conditions carefully or fully reviewing its content may involve high risk.
The Capital Market Authority Announces the Approval on the Registration and the Public Offering of Aqaseem Factory Company for Chemical and Plastic Industry’s Debt Instruments Program ...
The Capital Market Authority (“CMA”) announces the issuance of its Board resolution dated 15/07/1446 AH corresponding to 15/01/2025 AD approving the application of Aqaseem Factory Company for Chemical and Plastic Industry (“Issuer”) for the registration
The Capital Market Authority approves the capital increase request for Lana Medical Company through the issuance of bonus shares...
The CMA has issued its resolution approving Lana Medical Company's request to increase its capital from SAR (36,000,000) to SAR (54,000,000) through issuing (1) bonus share for every (2) existing shares owned by the shareholders who are registered in the
The Capital Market Authority approves the capital increase request for Arabian Plastic Industrial Company through the issuance of bonus shares...
The CMA has issued its resolution approving Arabian Plastic Industrial Company's request to increase its capital from SAR (50,000,000) to SAR (75,000,000) through issuing (1) bonus share for every (2) existing shares owned by the shareholders who are
The Capital Market Authority Calls for Public Consultation on the Draft Amendments to Regulate the Offer of Depository Receipts in the Saudi Capital Market...
The Capital Market Authority (“CMA") called upon relevant and interested persons participating in the capital market to share their feedback for Public Consultation on the Draft Regulatory Framework to the Offer of Depositary Receipts in the Saudi
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