An announcement of the issuance of the CMA Board Resolution Approving the Amendment of a Number of Regulations

​In continuance of the role of the Authority in regulating and developing the capital market and based on Capital Market Law issued by the Royal Decree number (M/30) dated 2/6/1424H and the Companies Law issued by the Royal Decree number (M/3) dated 28/01/1437H, and in line with the issuance of the Royal Decree number (M/79) dated 25/07/1439H including the approval to amend some Articles of the Companies Law, the CMA Board has issued its Resolution to approve the amendments to a number of articles of the Corporate Governance Regulation, the Rules on the Offer of Securities and Continuing Obligations and the Merger and Acquisition Regulation, and publish them on the Authority's website. These Amendments shall be effective from the date of its publication.

The amendments include amending paragraph (d) of Article 13, paragraph (d) of Article 20, paragraph (3) of Article 43, paragraph (4) of Article  46 and Article 48 of the Corporate Governance Regulation. In addition to amending paragraph (d) of Article 64 of the Rules on the Offer of Securities and Continuing Obligations, beside sub-paragraph (d/1) of paragraph (c) of Article 17 and sub-paragraph (e/1) of paragraph (c) of Article 17 of the Merger and Acquisition Regulation.

The amended Corporate Governance Regulation can be viewed via the following link:

Corporate Governance Regulation

The amended Rules on the Offer of Securities and Continuing Obligations can be viewed via the following link:

Rules on the Offer of Securities and Continuing Obligations

The amended Merger and Acquisition Regulation can be viewed via the following link:

Merger and Acquisition Regulation