An Announcement from the Capital Market Authority Regarding the Suspension of Trading the Shares of Etihad Atheeb Telecommunication Co.

Etihad Atheeb Telecommunication Co. failed to commit to paragraph (A) of article (41) from Listing Rules which states that (An issuer must notify the Authority and the public without delay of any material developments in its sphere of activity which are not public knowledge and which may affect the assets and liabilities or financial position or on the general course of business of the issuer or its subsidiaries…).
And based on the Capital Market Law and its implementing regulations, and in order to protect investors and maintain a stable market, CMA announces the suspension of trading the shares of Etihad Atheeb Telecommunication Co.  on the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) starting from Monday  5/1/1439H corresponding to 25/9/2017 until the Company announces the material development related to its previous announcement dated  13/09/1438H corresponding to 8/6/2017. CMA notes that this does not exempt the Company from liability for violating the obligations imposed on it.