An announcement of the issuance of the CMA Board Resolution Approving the Parallel Market Listing Rules


Proceeding from the CMA's program to achieve (Saudi Vision 2030), and as a continuation of the CMA’s efforts to develop the capital market as well as to introduce new investment instruments; and in an endeavor to promote the role of the capital market in providing funding sources and making the capital market more stable, supportive to the national economy and more appealing for investment And based on the Capital Market Law issued by the Royal Decree Number (M/30) Dated 2/6/1424 H, the CMA Board has issued its resolution approving the Parallel Market Listing Rules

These Rules aim to regulate the offering, registration and admission to Listing of shares in the Parallel Market in the Kingdom, as they include the conditions for the Listing in the Parallel Market and identify the investors eligible to invest in it, and all continuous obligations on companies listed in the Parallel market, noting that the percentage of the daily price change of the shares listed in the Parallel Market will be 20%. Upon the issuance of these Rules, all recommendations, observations and opinions received from investors, specialists, and the interested and related  parties during the public consultation have been taken into consideration.

The CMA Board Resolution also approved the amendment of the Offers of Securities Regulations to include provisions related to the offering of shares for the purpose of listing in the Parallel Market.
The  Parallel Market Listing Rules can be viewed on CMA’s website via the following link:
Parallel Market Listing Rules
The amended Offers of Securities Regulations can be viewed on CMA’s website via the following link:
Offers of Securities Regulation