CMA Announcement in regard to the formation of an interim committee to supervise the management of Solidarity Saudi Takaful Co. (Solidarity) and to summon the general assembly to convene in order to elect a new Board of Directors

​As part of the Capital Market Authority’s continuous efforts to regulate the capital market and protect investors, and Based on the authority granted to the Capital Market Authority in Article (69) of the Company’s Law issued by the Royal Decree (M/3) and dated 28/1/1437H; and due to the disruption in convening the general assembly meeting for Solidarity Saudi Takaful Co.  (Second meeting), which was scheduled on 11/9/1437H corresponding 16/06/2016 and convening the meeting that CMA called for based on the authority granted to it in sub-paragraph (c) of paragraph (2) of Article (90) of the Company’s Law which was scheduled on 25/09/1437H corresponding to 30/06/2016G because of the company’s chairman reservation on the procedures done during the meetings and since the current term of office of the Board of Directors has ended and the general assembly was not able to elect board of Directors of Solidarity Saudi Takaful Co. (Solidarity), and after the coordination between the CMA and Saudi Monetary Agency (SAMA),

A CMA board resolution was issued on 26/09/1437H corresponding to 01/07/2016G, to form an interim committee to supervise the management of Solidarity Saudi Takaful Co. (Solidarity) and to summon the general assembly to convene within no later than three months from the date on which such committee is formed in order to elect a new Board of Directors

The CMA board has decided to appoint the following members in the interim committee:

  1. Mr.Abdulrahman Bin Abdulmohsen Alnafea (Chairman)
  2. Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Mohammed Alangri (Vice Chairman)
  3. Mr.Khalid Bin Mohammed Alkhuwaiter (Member)

(Members’ CVs)