An announcement of the issuance of the CMA Board of Commissioners resolution to amend paragraph (1) of Article (20) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Rules

​As part of the Capital Market Authority's ("CMA") continuous efforts to develop the capital market in the Kingdom and protect investors, and based on the Capital Market Law ("CML") issued by the Royal Decree Number (M/30) Dated 2/6/1424 H, the CMA Board of Commissioners has issued its Resolution to amend the paragraph (1) of the Article (20) of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Rules, to be as follows:

"Consistent with the obligations set out in the AML Law and its implementing Regulations, Authorized Person must immediately reports to the FIU any complex, huge or unusual transaction or raises doubt and suspicion concerning its nature and purpose, or is related to money laundering, financing of terrorism, terrorist acts, or terrorist organizations".  

The amended Rules can be viewed on CMA’s website through the following link:

The ​link