Imposition of a Fine on Saudi Telecom Co.

The Capital Market Authority announces the issuance of a CMA Board resolution to impose a fine of SR 60,000 (Sixty Thousand Saudi Riyals) on Saudi Telecom Co. due to its violation of sub-clause (6) of paragraph (C) of Article 15 of the Corporate Governance Regulations. The company did not draw clear policies regarding the indemnities and remunerations of the Board members and top executives.  The company also violated  paragraph (A) of Article (34) of the Listing Rules and the instructions mentioned in the electronic disclosure form number (8) for providing CMA with incorrect information on  drawing clear policies regarding the indemnities and remunerations of the Board members and top executives when filing the electronic disclosure form number (8) for the fiscal years 2011,2012,2013, and 2014.