Imposition of a Fine on Solidarity Saudi Takaful Co.

​The Capital Market Authority announces the issuance of a CMA Board resolution to impose a fine of SR 60,000 (Sixty Thousand Saudi Riyals) on Solidarity Saudi Takaful Co. due to its violation of paragraph (A) of Article (46) of the Capital Market Law and paragraph (A) of Article (41) of the Listing Rules. The company failed to inform CMA and the public in a timely manner about being approved by Samba Financial Group to provide insurance coverage for the group on 15/12/2014. It was later announced on 05/01/2015. The company also violated   sub-clause (2) and sub-clause (6) of paragraph (A) of the General Instructions that must be taken into Account by Companies when publishing their Announcements due to not including the value of the agreement in the company's announcement.