An announcement of the issuance of the Board of the CMA resolution Number (1-38-2016) dated 22/6/1437H corresponding to 31/3/2016G to adopt the amended Listing Rules

​As part of the Capital Market Authority's efforts to develop the capital market in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and regulate and monitor the work and activities of entities subject to its supervision and control through the issuance of implementing regulations and rules governing the Saudi market, and based on the Capital Market Law issued by the Royal Decree Number (M/30) Dated 2/6/1424 H, the CMA Board has issued its Resolution Number (1-38-2016) dated 22/6/1437H corresponding to 31/3/2016G which includes the adoption of the amended Listing Rules, and to be implemented from the date of its publication.

The purpose of these Rules is to regulate the public offering, registration and admission to listing of securities in the Kingdom. When modifying the rules, international best practices and standards have been taken into consideration in order to achieve the desired goals, as well as concerned and interested parties comments and observations.

These proposed amendments are part of the various efforts and initiatives to develop the capital market in the Kingdom. One of the main initiatives to reach the CMA's goals is by developing CMA’s Implementing Regulations and applying the provisions of the CML through the current joint project between the CMA and the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) for the purposes of separating the functions and jurisdictions between both entities as per the relevant CML provisions, in which the working-teams appointed for such project will conduct a comprehensive review of all Implementing Regulations and Internal Policies and Procedures at both the CMA and Tadawul during the next phase in order to achieve the desired goals.

The amended Rules can be viewed on CMA’s website via the following link:

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