Imposition of a Fine on Tabuk Agricultural Development Co.

​The Capital Market Authority announces the issuance of a CMA Board resolution to impose fines of SR 40,000 (Forty Thousand Saudi Riyals) on Tabuk Agricultural Development Co. due to its violation of clause (B) of Article (40) of the Listing Rules. The company failed to inform CMA and the public in a timely manner about distributing cash dividends on its shareholders in 2013. It also violated clause (A) of Article (46) of the Capital Market Law and clause (A) of Article (41) of the Listing Rules. The company failed to inform CMA and the public in a timely manner about the recommendation by the company’s administrative committee held on 12/02/2014 to take the accounting solutions resulting from applying the results of the due diligence prepared by the company as it was later announced on 24/02/2014. It also violated clause (9) of the Instructions for companies’ Announcements regarding their financial results as it did not mention in its announcement on 23/02/2014, on its interim financial results for the period ending on 31/12/2013 (twelve months), the Emphasis of matter by the external auditor. The company violated as well clause (A) of Article (40) of the Listing Rules and clause (8) of the  Instructions for companies’ Announcements regarding their financial results from the Instructions for the Announcements of Listed Companies in the Saudi Stock Exchange. The company did not mention in its announcement on its interim financial results for the period ending on 30/06/2014 all the reasons affecting the decrease in the Net Profit for this period compared to the same period of the previous year.