An announcement by the Capital Market Authority regarding the issuance of the final decision by The Appeal Committee for the Resolution of Securities Conflicts (ACRSC) to convict a violator of the Capital Market Law and its implementing regulations

CMA announces a final decision by The Appeal Committee for the Resolution of Securities Conflicts (ACRSC) dated 04-09-1435H corresponding to 01-07-2014 regarding the lawsuit filed by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) against Hamad bin Abdulwahab bin Mohammed Alabdulwahab (the defendant). The ruling of ACRSC upheld the decision of the Committee for the Resolution of Securities Disputes (CRSD) to convict the defendant of violating Article (49) of the Capital Market Law as well as Article (2) and Article (3) of the Market Conduct Regulations when trading the shares of Astra Industrial Group, Mohammad Al Mojil Group Company, Saudi Arabian Amiantit Co. , Saudi Industrial Services Co. , Saudi Transport and Investment Company, Saudi Fisheries Co., Malath Cooperative Insurance and Reinsurance Company, Saudi IAIC Cooperative Insurance Co, Saudi Indian Company for Co- operative Insurance, ALAHLI Takaful Company, National Agriculture Marketing Co., Tourism Enterprise Co., during the period from 03/03/2009 until 26/05/2009. These practices formed manipulation and fraud and created a misleading and incorrect impression. The decision obliges the defendant to pay all the revenues he collected due to these violations with a total amount of (SR 8,146,388) Eight Million, One Hundred and Forty Six Thousand and Three hundred and Eighty Eight Riyals. A penalty is also imposed on him amounting to (SR. 300,000) Three Hundred Thousand Saudi Riyals as a result of these violations.

By that, CMA insures its devotion to apply the Capital Market Law and its Implementing Regulations as well as protect the investors from illegal acts.