CMA approves the Merger of Bakheet Investment Group into Osool Capital Company, Change the name of Osool Capital Company and Amendment of its Business Profile

Osool Capital Company and Bakheet Investment Group had requested the CMA to approve the merger of Bakheet Investment Group into Osool Capital Company, change the name of Osool Capital Company and amendment of its current business profile.
The CMA Board of Commissioners issued a resolution today Monday 15/1/1435H, corresponding to 18/11/2013G, approving the following:
  1. The merger of Bakheet Investment Group into Osool Capital Company.
  2. Change the name of “Osool Capital Company” to “Osool and Bakheet Investment Company”
  3. The amendment of the business profile of Osool and Bakheet Investment Company by adding Managing Investment Funds activity. Osool and Bakheet Investment Company is authorized to conduct Dealing as Principal, Dealing as Agent, Managing Investment Funds, Managing Client Portfolios, and Custody.