The CMA Board has issued its Resolution approving the amended Instructions for the Listed Companies Announcements ("Instructions") that shall become effective upon its publication. This decision has been taken after the Capital Market Authority published the Instructions earlier on its website for public consultation, and subsequent to considering all the proposals and opinions received from the public, specialists and interested parties.
The amended instructions for the Listed Companies announcements, issued through the CMA Board Resolution dated on 18/7/1427 H, corresponding to 12/8/2006 G, and amended through the CMA Board Resolution dated on 22/7/1438 H, corresponding to 19/4/2017 G, sets out the required components of companies' announcements on the Saudi Stock Exchange website (Tadawul).
The amended Instructions aims to enhance the level of transparency and disclosure in the capital market, helping investors to make their investment decisions based on correct and adequate information, in addition to facilitating disclosure procedures for companies listed on the Saudi Stock Exchange, enabling them to comply with the disclosure provisions contained in the relevant implementing regulations, especially the continuing obligations stipulated in the Rules on the Offer of Securities and Continuing Obligations, and the Listing Rules issued by the Saudi Stock Exchange Company (Tadawul).
The CMA mentioned that it took into account best international practices while working on these instructions to enhance the disclosure procedures, and also mentioned that it considered all the proposals and opinions received from the public, specialists and interested parties within relevant entities and parties.
The instructions can be viewed via the following link:
Instructions for the Listed Companies